HIAI/AIMM Vortrag: Intensify the learning experience

Christoph Hahn | 23. Oktober 2014 | 2 Minuten Lesezeit

Innovative Entwicklungen in der Lehre setzen auf einen Methodenmix verschiedenster aktivierender Lehrmethoden, stellen eine hohe Interaktivität zwischen Lehrenden und Lernenden in den Vordergrund und unterstützen nachhaltig selbstgesteuertes Lernen.

Digitale Methoden und Werkzeuge sind in der Lehre nicht mehr wegzudenken. Unser Fachvortrag "Intensify the learning experience" im Rahmen einer HIAI Veranstaltung zu Gast bei der SRH Hochschule Heidelberg am 23. Oktober 2014 gab einen Einblick in die Herausforderungen moderner Lehre und die zur Verfügung stehenden digitalen Standards. Vorgeschlagen wurde zudem die Fortführung des vorgeschlagenen Entwurfs des "CATS" Lehrmodells durch das HIAI.


In the Continous Assessment and Training Strategy the main focus is on increased adaptivity of all components of the involved didactic methods. In CATS the Course is under constant evaluation using a small set of specifically selected evaluation criteria to accurately identify any issues in the flow of educational "production".

The flow of learning is also supported by constantly available automated Quizzes. These quizzes provide two main benefits:

To the teachers the statistical results of the students quiz performance means a source of easy-to-interpret student performance data. Any general issues that multiple learners have with the same material can be quickly detected. This means that countermeasures can be deployed quickly. This kind of speed is essential in successfully implementing quality-control in short-interval courses.

To the learners they generate valuable feedback that supplies them with orientation about the course content and helps them quickly identify issues. This is especially relevant to counter the illusion-of-understanding effect that otherwise gives learners a treacherous sense of confidence in class that turns out destructive in exams.